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goalsGoals from last week:

  1. Walk on the treadmill at least 30 minutes, 3 times.
  2. Finish the washcloth I have started AND make another.
  3. Now that I have gotten our living area cleaned up and organized, keep it that way.
  4. Make the bed every morning.


  1. I couldn’t get myself to do 30 minutes at a stretch – yet – so I did 15 minutes 2 times.
  2. I did finish both washcloths – just barely, sort of. The knitting part is done, they still need to have the one seam sewn up. Close enough.
  3. The living area got tidied back up every morning.
  4. The bed was made every morning before I left for work and on the weekend.

2014-06-01 19.43.42mine is on the left, Josh’s on the right

The theme for this week is “reaching out” which is something I do have trouble with sometimes. It’s actually really appropriate this week given that Mom is out of town until next Monday and she’s the one I usually go to first when I need help. So, y’all have been officially put on notice.

Goals for this week:

  1. Work up to 30 minutes on the treadmill at least 3 times.
  2. Get my budget back on track for this month.
  3. Make a washcloth for Mer.
  4. Keep in touch with my girlfriends – at least one email every day to at least one of them.
  5. Continue to make the bed every morning and keep the living space tidy.

I really did find that having these somewhat small week-long goals helped a lot. Part of that was thinking on a more discrete scale than I tend to and part of it was having this shit public. I admit, I wanted y’all to be proud of me.

So, does this setting goals business sound like something that would help you? Head over to Green Embers’ site and check out the details. You won’t regret it.