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No, I’m not quite entirely crazy yet. But I’m working on it. What I’ve not been able to work on is any of my goals. And that sucks, but it is what it is.

2014-08-09 01.13.02These last two days have been just… Just… FUCK, I don’t even have the right kind of English to describe it. Non-stop, hard core, intense, draining, ridiculous – all of those and then some. Yesterday there was no time to eat at work – at all. Today the only reason I got lunch was because K and I were doing part of a demo thing for a group and they had lunch catered and invited us to join them.

2014-08-19 00.38.02And these people, HOLY FUCKING HELL, these people just keep coming up with bigger and dumber ways to fuck shit up. It’s just not funny anymore. I feel like I need a tazer or something. And it’s not over. But I do have something funny (funny to me anyway) to share to make up for the fact that I will most likely be a terrible slacker this week in terms of posting shit and doing anything towards meeting my goals.

money-making-fake-boobsMy sister has fake boobs and one of them popped. Not only that, but evidently the damn things are so prone to popping that they come with a 10 year warranty. No, that picture is not my sister and no, her boobs aren’t that big. But still, you get the idea. I find this funny, even though it means I am even more likely to end up going straight to hell while wearing gasoline panties. To help offset this transgression, I offer you this…

2014-08-19 19.11.09Yes, I was holding 2 full beverages, a 2 quart bottle of tea, my Wonder Woman bottle and a Wonder Woman cup. Mama requires much hydration. And funky pants. Don’t judge.