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Ok, so it’s only really late for me. I’m old, I know. Shut up.

2014-09-18 18.50.37I should already be snuggled up in bed with Evie Cat, but I’m not in a very good mood, so I’m trying to get a little more tired without my meds first.

I managed to get an appointment with the dermatologist. I’d have liked to see her sooner, but I already had other appointments when she had openings. So I’ll have to wait until the 29th. I’m actually kind of nervous about this and ended up asking Josh to go with me.  I am way more than capable of seeing a doctor, even a dermatologist who might want to shave pieces off me with nothing to deaden the nerves, all by myself. But, there was talk of surgery yesterday and that just kind of freaks me out a bit.

2014-09-07 00.15.32Anyway, been dealing with that, which is good but scary, and been trying to deal with this fucking school business. And I think what I hate most is that I have allowed this bitch prof to get inside my head and make me feel like I can’t do this. BULLSHIT. Her “teaching style” sucks donkey balls. I’ll say it again, she’s got no business in a classroom and really no business being online. I actually ran into one of my classmates on campus the other day and she’s also a grad student and also having issues with this idiot.

10389437_283737471798401_5576553049691579649_nI redid the thing I didn’t do right, now I just have the chapter in the book to read, 3 written assignments (worksheets from hell), and 2 discussion board replies. Which begs the question – precisely how late should I stay up tonight?