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just stop talkingThis is Josh’s weekend to have his daughter. She’s a good kid, but she’s 11, and she likes to talk. No, wait, what I meant to say is that the only time she fucking shuts up is when there’s food in her mouth or when she’s sleeping. It’s killing me. And she told me yesterday that she likes hanging out with me more than her dad because I talk to her (more like listen appropriately) and I’m not always messing with my phone.

img-squirrel-with-old-phone-d-26x152-v01So anyway, I managed to get my homework done finally and we got some of the stuff done around the house. To his credit, Josh cooked lunch and dinner yesterday with only a little bit of help. And the help was only because he isn’t as confident of his cooking skills as he probably should be. He’s a good cook.

CnFwLFLMom and the kid and I ran some errands in the afternoon, and after we got home I knew that I made the right decision about not going to see Phantom. We were gone for about 2 hours total and my legs were killing me. They actually started draining so bad that Mom could see the gunk on my pants. Nice.



And now I think it’s time to revisit something I haven’t done in awhile…

attitude of gratitudeThis week I was thankful for:

  • Mom encouraging me to see her doctor who is way more amazing than the doctor I normally see. I finally got the referral I needed for a dermatologist.
  • Mom and Josh putting up with me mostly being a whiny little bitch.
  • F being completely understanding when I bailed on the Phantom trip. She is truly a BFF.
  • Evie Cat letting me train her to beg for treats.
  • Y’all leaving me such nice comments. That really helped cheer me up.
  • Mom making me watch Dancing with the Stars with her Monday night after I had my meltdown about the “failed” assignment. I got to see Tommy Chong in a green pimp suit dance to Drop it Like It’s Hot. Priceless.