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I had this brilliant idea on the way home from work, so bear with me…

Christmas will be coming up soon. For some folks this is a really good thing because it means time with family, gifts, good food, etc. But for others, the holidays are a very lonely time that could use a little sprucing up (see what I did there?) with a card from a friend.

I could be that friend.

Here’s what I’m offering – if you would like to receive a real, physical Christmas card from yours truly, The Mental Mama, just send an email to mentalinthemidwest at gmail dot com with a postal address for yourself (no later than 12/1/14 please) and I will send you a card. If you know of someone else who would like a card, and won’t get pissed that you gave a lovely stranger their postal information, I will send them a card as well.

What do you have to do in exchange?

Well, honestly, nothing. I would ask that you think about your fellow humans who also might need a little extra niceness sent their way, but I’d hope that you do that every day anyway.